The Neighborhood
From a list of the streets in our neighborhood, to our history, to Tuscaloosa-Lakewood in the media, you can find out a little more about the neighborhood here.
Streets of the Neighborhood
Tuscaloosa-Lakewood includes the following streets and roads (all block references are inclusive):
Anchor Way (all)
Balmoray Ct. (all)
Bedford St. (all)
Bivins St. (1800-1900)
Chapel Hill Rd. (2000-2700)
Chester Springs Rd. (all)
Crosswind Ave (all)
Currin Ave. (all)
Durham-Chapel Hill Blvd. (2500-2900)
Frances St. (all)
Hilton Ave. (2300)
Huron St. (all)
James St. (1400-1900)
Legion Ave. (2600-2900)
Lexington St. (all)
Nation Ave. (all)
Redfern Way (all)
Sarah Ave. (all)
Vineyard St. (all)
Wallace St. (1800)
Ward St. (1800-2100)
W. Lakewood Ave. (1900)
Wa Wa Ave. (all)
Tuscaloosa-Lakewood has a rich history and no site has documented it better than OpenDurham. Please find OpenDurham's page on the neighborhood here, which features a great writeup and a list of historic buildings.
Tuscaloosa-Lakewood In the News
What We Love About Living in Tuscaloosa-Lakewood - Durham Magazine, 2019
Getting Involved
Here are a few ways you can get involved in the neighborhood.
Help deliver The Porch Light Newsletter.
The Porch Light is a quarterly publication of the Tuscaloosa-Lakewood Neighborhood Association. The publication is delivered to over 500 homes in the TLNA by neighborhood volunteers.
If you would like to volunteer to help deliver The Porch Light, please contact us at
Join the InterNeighborhood Council listserv.
The INC listserv is one way to stay informed about Durham city government. Subscribe here.
Help beautify our neighborhood.
Adopt a stream
Help plant trees around the neighborhood
Help out on our neighborhood clean-up day
Help conserve two cemeteries in our neighborhood
Contact us at if you are interested.
Attend TLNA Board meetings.
The TLNA Board meets on the first Thursday of most months. Until COVID is gone, the meetings will be held via Zoom. Watch the listserv for meeting details. Meetings are open to all association members and residents.
Attend Partners Against Crime District 3 meetings.
Meet with police officers, Durham city and county government officials, and neighbors from District 3 to discuss community crime and neighborhood quality of life issues. PAC-3 is a community-based volunteer organization.
PAC-3 meets monthly on the second Saturday at 10 a.m., at the Community & Family Life Rec. Center at Lyon Park. 1313 Halley Street. For more information, contact the District 3 Substation.
Serve on the TLNA Board.
TLNA elects a new Board each fall at its Annual Meeting. To serve on the Board, you must pay your annual dues and be committed to serving and improving our neighborhood. If interested, contact
Submit your own ideas!
Is there a project you would like to spearhead in the neighborhood? Let us know and we will help you get started! Perhaps you don't have time? Let us know anyway, and we will help find volunteers to adopt your project. Contact us at
Neighborhood Protection Overlay
Thus far, Tuscaloosa-Lakewood is one of only two neighborhoods in Durham to create and adopt a Neighborhood Protection Overlay (NPO). This is a special zoning district that, together with Durham's Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), regulates development within Tuscaloosa-Lakewood's boundaries.
Adopted in 2006, the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) contains the rules for the physical development of property and designates the zoning districts and their properties. It is designed to meet the goals of the Durham Comprehensive Plan (see below).
Tuscaloosa-Lakewood's NPO was approved in 2008. It mandates additional tree protection and special regulation of design features on residential and commercial structures to preserve the neighborhood's character. The text of our NPO can be found in Article 4, Section 4.6.5, of the UDO.
The Comprehensive Plan is the city's long-range guide for Durham's development. City-County planners use the Comprehensive Plan and the UDO together in approving development plans.