About TLNA
Tuscaloosa-Lakewood Neighborhood Association (TLNA) was established in 1985 to foster pride in the neighborhood and provide a forum for neighborhood activity. The Association serves as a liaison for neighborhood interests with city government and nearby schools and businesses, and we work with other neighborhood associations on common concerns. We facilitate neighbors' involvement in all issues that affect Tuscaloosa-Lakewood, including quality of life, property values, land use, safety, zoning changes, traffic patterns, and street modifications. We also sponsor activities to help neighbors create friendships and a sense of belonging, and we maintain an active listserv.
Becoming a member is easy and affordable. Click here for information.
The TLNA Board meets on the first Thursday of most months. The location varies; see the TLNA calendar for details. TLNA meetings are open to association members and residents.
The TLNA Annual Meeting, where the Board is elected and other business is transacted, is held in the fall, usually in October.
TLNA also participates in National Night Out and occasionally organizes picnics and block parties. Check the calendar for upcoming events.
TLNA Officers and Board
President: Edmund Fernandez
Vice President: David Stephenson
Secretary: Ron Turbin
Treasurer: Susan Sewell
Board members at large: Josh Glasson, Sue Graham, Adam Herbage, Mike Retchless, Whitney Stanley, Judy Turbin